Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ziphone can jailbreak and unlock 2.0 firmware

Zibri officially announces that his upcoming version of the oh-so-popular ZiPhone software is able to unlock and jailbreak firmware 2.0 successfully.

Zibri states:

“Firmware 2.0 will require a new iTunes version and a new “mobiledevice” framework. If it were for me I would not even bother to hack this version but I know many of you are going to upgrade so I will release a new ziphone version after the official release. I already patched activation (lockdownd) and unlock / Fake IMEI (baseband firmware).”

Some pre-release editions of iPhone OS 2.0 can already be unlocked and jailbroken with the use of Pwnage, a tool exploits a low-level vulnerability in the iPhone’s boot process to allow the installation of custom OS files. This has allowed users to install pre-release versions of the iPhone OS, such as OS 2.0, which normally require expressed authorization and a special signature from Apple.

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